I Have Something to Say

Full disclosure: I wear fake glasses to make me look trustworthy. See how honest I am!

Full disclosure: I wear fake glasses to make me look trustworthy. See how honest I am… kind of.

Hey guys! My name is Nicholas Sanford, and I’m a Master’s of Accounting candidate at the UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School (this is only relevant should you want to understand my punny blog title).

A few months ago, I took a DiSC personality assessment and learned I was a “High-I”. In short, this means I’m demanding, pushy, self-promoting, over-talkative, opinionated and stubborn. I mean, sure, maybe I can be a little demanding. I will only concede to being self-promoting and over-talkative because I’m writing a blog, which is pretty self-incriminating. And sometimes I’m opinionated, but that doesn’t mean I’m not fair – just look at my Yelp ratings!

But stubborn??? That is where I draw the line! I more or less grew up in two households. In one I ate Miracle Whip, in the other Hellmann’s. In one I drank Pepsi, in the other Coke. I even started out Android, and now I use Windows. Just look at how flexible I am!

And just to drive this point home, I’ve decided to start this blog.

The Blog

So what is Unqualified Opinion? It’s a blog where you can get my honest opinion on new and exciting things that I know a little about. There’s all these expert bloggers out there giving their expert reviews. But I’m not here to do that. I’m not qualified to do that (or rather, I’m unqualified to do that?). Instead, I just want to try the newest things and tell you my opinions. My ideas. My feelings. I just have so many things to share with you all! It’s part of being a High-I; we’re over-emotional, too.

My First Series

Nokia Lumia 635. What color do you think they'll send me?

Nokia Lumia 635. What color do you think they’ll send me?

To kick off Unqualified Opinions (or UOS for short), I’m starting a review series of the Nokia Lumia 635. I’m so thankful to Microsoft for providing the phone and sponsoring the series for the next two months! Starting today, keep an eye out on here, my Twitter, and my Instagram for posts about my opinion of the phone. I’ll be covering everything from the overall look, the camera, Cortana, etc… you name it! No, literally, you name it. Tell me what you want to know about it and I’ll give you my UOS.

Until then, what’s your opinion? Comment below with your thoughts and feelings about my blog! This is my first blog so I’ve got a lot to learn!

What's YOUR opinion?